What To Do When A Parent Is Denied Access?

Parents formally agree to access schedules through their formal parenting plan, separation agreement or Court orders. Still some parents may purposefully deny visitation right. This can cause tremendous mental agony and frustration to the parent as well as to your children.

Keep A Record

You should always record the following aspects:

  1. Date and time of the missed visits
  2. Reasons you were given for denying your visitation rights


Your Dispute Resolution Process

Parent’s are expected to work together to co-parent your kids.  This is best for your children. If you are unable to work together, you will take next steps according to the Dispute Resolution clause as written in your Separation Agreement/Parenting Plan.

Escalate Matters Wisely

A parent who is being denied access to their children by the other parent may want to get the help of a family mediator so that matters do not escalate unnecessarily.  If that is not an option or does not work, consider approaching a lawyer for help. Finally you may approach the Courts for help. The court can amend any agreement, but should not always be your first course of action.

Picture of Simonetta Lanzi

Simonetta Lanzi

Family Lawyer Ajax, ON

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