Do I Still Pay Child Support If My Ex-Spouse Remarries?

The law requires all parents to provide financial assistance to their children. This assistance will be provided by a birth parent or an adoptive parent. Sometimes, the law may even require step-parents to pay child support as well.

Responsibilities of the Paying Parent

The parent providing financial support and paying the child support is called the “Payor Parent”. The payor parent must pay child support even if that parent does not live with the child or even if they do not see the child. Child support has to be paid by the payor regardless of whether you are still married to or live with your child’s other parent and even if your of either parent remarries and has other children.

What If There is a New Family With Other Children?

The payor will still continue to pay child support even if both parents don’t have any kind of on-going relationship. Even if the parent paying child support has other children with a new partner; they are still required to  pay child support payment.

Picture of Simonetta Lanzi

Simonetta Lanzi

Family Lawyer Ajax, ON

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