Family Courts
Anything and everything you need to know about divorce and separation in Ontario.

Court Stats
50% of all family law cases will be in the court system longer than one year, almost 30% more than two years & 10% more than 3 years.
Divorce Stats
The Ontario Court process is expensive on average ranging from $12,000 to $45,000 per person.
Court Stats
70% of family cases in the Ontario Court of Justice concern issues related to custody, access and child support.
Court Stats
The Ontario Family Courts deal with about 75,000 family cases per year.
Break-Up Stats
About 40% of all marriages and relationships in Canada end in a break-up.
Trial Stats
Only about 2% to 5% of all Family Law cases are so high conflict they go to a full court trial.
VIDEO: What I've Learned About Divorce
It is more common for divorces to occur later in life. 28% of divorces occur in our 20s and 30s, 57% for those aged 40-59 and 15% for those over 60.
Your Separation Agreement is Important Understand your options
Divorce Facts
Support challenges are the most common issue behind lengthy divorce cases that last for 2 years or more.
Divorce Stats
Between 1991 & 2011, 5 million Canadians separated or divorced. Of these, 38% had children together.
Court Stats
Families seeking a divorce or division of property needed to go to the Superior Court, before federally appointed judges, but were required to see provincially appointed judges in the Ontario Court of Justice about child protection and adoption. Often, families could face related cases in both courts at the same time.
Your Separation Agreement is Important Understand your options
VIDEO: Alternative to Family Court
Family Law
Time Limits
Family Law
Time Limits
You have 6 years from the Date of Separation and 2 years from the divorce order in which to make a claim for equalization of property.