How Is My Income Used to Calculate Child Support?

The monthly amount of child support is based on the Provincial Child Support Guidelines and the Government of Canada’s Child Support Tables. The total amount is determined by the gross annual income of the paying parent and the number of dependent children.

Calculating Your Gross Annual Income

The Gross Annual Income refers to your income before tax deductions.  To calculate your gross annual income, look at line 150 on your annual income tax returns or your Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency. You can also calculate the pay stubs for an entire year and add the earnings without any tax deductions.

Documents Used To Calculate Income

In order to calculate child support, the paying parent will provide the following information:

  1. Income tax returns and notices of assessment (NOA)
  2. Pay stubs or Statement from Employers
  3. Financial statement of any businesses they own
  4. Statements from employment insurance, social assistance, a pension, worker’s compensation, or disability payments
  5. Proof of income from a trust
Picture of Simonetta Lanzi

Simonetta Lanzi

Family Lawyer Ajax, ON

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