The Importance of Financial Advice During Divorce

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Will I Be Financiall OK After My Divorce? Divorcing is just hard – and it usually comes down to kids and money. On top of worrying about your family, one of the biggest concerns people have is […]

What Is A Separation Agreement?

What is a Separation Agreement?

A Divorce Agreement is better known in Ontario as a Separation Agreement. This agreement will be the ongoing legal contract between you and your ex-spouse with regards to all issues moving forward.

It is very important that this agreement is prepared properly and in accordance to the laws of Ontario, as the decisions you make now will affect you and your children for years to come.

Negotiating your financial and parenting arrangements and signing a legal contract (the separation agreement) are the crucial first steps in your Ontario divorce process.

Do Kids Get Any Say In Their Parenting Arrangements?

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The following factors of the child’s conditions will be considered while formulating the Parenting Plan:
i. Age of the child
ii. Access to schools or daycare facilities
iii. Physical living conditions
iv. Special needs of the child.

The parents are to respect the choice and decision of their children. As children become older, they will want to spend time with their friends. The parents should allow flexibility in the schedule when considering the needs of the child.

Parenting Plan Checklist

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Separating parents will plan parenting arrangement based on a checklist. The parents will consider their lifestyle and working hours while creating what is a called a parental plan or parenting plan.

What Are The Different Kinds of Child Access?

The right to access the child is an inherent right of the parents and the children have a right to access both parents. This right can only be denied under very limited circumstances.

How To Calculate Child Support

The Child Support Guidelines determine the basic monthly financial support to be provided by the paying parent. These are set out in the Government of Canada’s child support tables. They are calculated by taking into account the total gross annual income of the parents and the number of dependent children.

How Is My Income Used to Calculate Child Support?

The monthly amount of child support is based on the Provincial Child Support Guidelines and the Government of Canada’s Child Support Tables. The total amount is determined by the gross annual income of the paying parent and the number of dependent children.

How To Tell Your Spouse You Want A Divorce

How To Tell Your Spouse You Want A Divorce

The scariest part of divorce isn’t the divorce itself, it’s telling the other person! Often, the person initiating has had the chance to contemplate the need for divorce, while the other is completely caught off guard. If you want to remain civil with your spouse and have a healthy divorce, there are a few things to take into consideration as you have that conversation.

What to Expect When You’re Getting a Divorce

What to Expect During Divorce

Planning a separation and divorce can sweep the legs out from under you, especially when you have never been here before. But that does not mean the entire divorce process needs to be the same way as long as you can plan, be patient and more than anything else be realistic about what is going to happen next.