Information can and does have huge legal implications. It is really important to not to put any sensitive information online, as it may have an affect on the negotiations between you and your spouse. Even if your spouse can’t access your content, mutual friends may disclose the information. Posting about shopping sprees, your dating life, or bashing your spouse could all have an impact on your ability to reach a separation agreement with your spouse.
Your behavior online can have a tremendous impact on how your children emerge from this divorce process. Posting negative content about your spouse will hurt your children and make them feel as if they are caught in the middle. No child wants to hear their parents insulting each other, in public or in private.
Most married couples have a lot of mutual friends. When you start bad-mouthing your spouse online for the world to see, it puts your friends in an awkward position and makes it difficult for them remain supportive. Your friends can be a great support group, but not if they are being forced to choose between you and your spouse.
Be mindful about what you are posting online because it can impact you not only personally but also professionally. For instance, airing your laundry online may be viewed as unprofessional and a negative for potential employers. It may also negatively impact the way you are viewed by professional associations, community groups and colleagues.
Regardless of how many likes you might get for your witty “just dropped 175lbs (ie. my spouse)” post, be mindful that the content you publish online can have unforeseen consequences and come back to bite you! Using social media as a platform to vent, an outlet to your public existence or a way to cyberstalk your spouse’s life, will simply make moving on and healing that much more difficult. Proceed with wisdom.
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