What is Parenting Time or Parent Access?

Parenting time is the time your child spends with either parent, according to what is written in the Parenting Plan of your Separation Agreement or in a court order. It will be part of your parenting schedule.

Parenting Time For The Non-Primary Caregiver

When your child lives most of the time with one parent (sometimes called the primary care-giver or the primary residence) your child will usually have parenting time with their other parent. Your parenting schedule will generally reflect this.

Parenting Time For The Non-Primary Caregiver

When your child lives most of the time with one parent (sometimes called the primary care-giver or the primary residence) your child will usually have parenting time with their other parent. Your parenting schedule will generally reflect this.

The Right of Your Child to Both Parents

It’s your child’s right to contact and visit with both of their parents, as long as it is safe and reasonable. Generally, children benefit from a relationship with both parents and parenting time will only be denied if a judge is satisfied that the child would be harmed if there is contact with the other parent.
Picture of Mary-Anne Popescue

Mary-Anne Popescue

Family Mediator - Greater Toronto ON

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