CDFA CFDS What is the Difference?

A CFDS (Certified Financial Divorce Specialist) or a CFDA (Certified Financial Divorce Analyst) can help you navigate the financial part of your separation negotiations.
What is a Divorce Financial Expert?

Traditional financial advisors, have had little or no training specifically related to the financial issues that surround divorce. This is why if you are contemplating divorce, you need to find someone who has the training and expertise around divorce specific financial issues.
The Importance of Financial Advice During Divorce
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Will I Be Financiall OK After My Divorce? Divorcing is just hard – and it usually comes down to kids and money. On top of worrying about your family, one of the biggest concerns people have is […]
What Is A Separation Agreement?

A Divorce Agreement is better known in Ontario as a Separation Agreement. This agreement will be the ongoing legal contract between you and your ex-spouse with regards to all issues moving forward.
It is very important that this agreement is prepared properly and in accordance to the laws of Ontario, as the decisions you make now will affect you and your children for years to come.
Negotiating your financial and parenting arrangements and signing a legal contract (the separation agreement) are the crucial first steps in your Ontario divorce process.
Parenting Plan Checklist

Separating parents will plan parenting arrangement based on a checklist. The parents will consider their lifestyle and working hours while creating what is a called a parental plan or parenting plan.
What Are The Different Kinds of Child Access?

The right to access the child is an inherent right of the parents and the children have a right to access both parents. This right can only be denied under very limited circumstances.
How To Calculate Child Support

The Child Support Guidelines determine the basic monthly financial support to be provided by the paying parent. These are set out in the Government of Canada’s child support tables. They are calculated by taking into account the total gross annual income of the parents and the number of dependent children.
Child Support After My Kids Turn 18

A child above the age of 18 years, may still be considered as a dependent child based on the factors::
Financial Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce

Divorce tends to be one of the more financially stressful times in a person’s life. No one enters the divorce process intending to spend thousands of dollars, yet many end up financially devastated because of common mistakes. Avoiding these big financial mistakes will help you hold on to hard earned money.
How to Live With Your Spouse AFTER You’ve Asked For A Divorce

The divorce conversation has just happened and you feel the need to take the kids and flee the stress-filled home. But, the only problem is, you can’t leave the matrimonial home until the settlement is done! The last thing you want to do is be anywhere near your spouse, let alone live with them, so how are you going to survive?