Child Custody: A Quick View

Child custody means more than just which parent will the child live with or how much time will each parent spend with their child. It is the legal right to make life changing decisions for the child as between his or her father and mother.
The Importance of Financial Advice During Divorce
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Will I Be Financiall OK After My Divorce? Divorcing is just hard – and it usually comes down to kids and money. On top of worrying about your family, one of the biggest concerns people have is […]
Can A Court Order Be Amended?

Parents may bring a motion to Court to amend Court orders. But, the parties have to prove that there is sufficient and dramatic changes in their circumstances which necessitates the Court’s intervention.
Do Grandparents Have Rights?

Grandparents have some legal right with regards to accessing grandchildren and can approach the Court of Law for accessibility rights. The Judge will always consider the “best interest of the child” when deciding this issue. In Ontario, the relationship of the child with the grandparent is also examined while deciding the best interest of the child.
Do Kids Get Any Say In Their Parenting Arrangements?

The following factors of the child’s conditions will be considered while formulating the Parenting Plan:
i. Age of the child
ii. Access to schools or daycare facilities
iii. Physical living conditions
iv. Special needs of the child.
The parents are to respect the choice and decision of their children. As children become older, they will want to spend time with their friends. The parents should allow flexibility in the schedule when considering the needs of the child.
Parenting Plan Checklist

Separating parents will plan parenting arrangement based on a checklist. The parents will consider their lifestyle and working hours while creating what is a called a parental plan or parenting plan.
What Are The Different Kinds of Child Access?

The right to access the child is an inherent right of the parents and the children have a right to access both parents. This right can only be denied under very limited circumstances.
How To Make Divorce a Nightmare For Your Kids

When going through a divorce there are always concerns for how the children will be affected. It is not necessarily the divorce that gives children a bad experience. Instead, they are affected by how well you and their other parent manage and model this experience in front of them. Your behaviour today will influence their own relationships later. These are ways some parents make their divorce the nightmare their kids won’t forget.
How To Avoid A Nightmare Divorce

Its hard to believe that a traumatic life event, such as divorce, could be any more of a nightmare than it already is. But it can always be worse and there are many things you can do to avoid making this experience the divorce from hell.
Financial Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce

Divorce tends to be one of the more financially stressful times in a person’s life. No one enters the divorce process intending to spend thousands of dollars, yet many end up financially devastated because of common mistakes. Avoiding these big financial mistakes will help you hold on to hard earned money.