What is Collaborative Family Law?

Collaborative Family Law is a common legal process in Ontario that focuses on negotiating together as couple and avoiding court. Together, along with specially trained professionals, you and your partner will identify all of the needs involved, including your children’s, and then discuss together as a team how to find the best solutions for your circumstances. The goal of Collaborative Family Law is to minimize the adversarial nature of divorce, that is often a part of litigation and court.

A Team of Professionals Who Work Together

To deal with all of the legal, financial and children’s issues involved with divorce, your Collaborative Law Team may include collaboratively trained family lawyers, financial professionals and children’s specialists.

Dignity and Fairness

Collaborative Family Law is a process designed to avoid permanent damage to relationships, even the most difficult relationships, and is characterized by dignity and fairness. The long term effects of divorce on children and their quality of life after your divorce are especially relevant to Collaborative Family Law.

Picture of Anna-Marie Musson

Anna-Marie Musson

Collaborative Family Lawyer Toronto, ON

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