What is a Divorce Financial Expert?

Traditional financial advisors, have had little or no training specifically related to the financial issues that surround divorce. This is why if you are contemplating divorce, you need to find someone who has the training and expertise around divorce specific financial issues.
What Is A Separation Agreement?

A Divorce Agreement is better known in Ontario as a Separation Agreement. This agreement will be the ongoing legal contract between you and your ex-spouse with regards to all issues moving forward.
It is very important that this agreement is prepared properly and in accordance to the laws of Ontario, as the decisions you make now will affect you and your children for years to come.
Negotiating your financial and parenting arrangements and signing a legal contract (the separation agreement) are the crucial first steps in your Ontario divorce process.
Can I Move With My Child?

A parent may want to move with their children after a separation or divorce. The move may be due to the parent’s new job opportunity, better housing facility, closeness to the family support or a new partner. However, this move is not necessarily automatically allowed and may be curtailed by several external factors.
Parenting Plan Checklist

Separating parents will plan parenting arrangement based on a checklist. The parents will consider their lifestyle and working hours while creating what is a called a parental plan or parenting plan.
How To Avoid A Nightmare Divorce

Its hard to believe that a traumatic life event, such as divorce, could be any more of a nightmare than it already is. But it can always be worse and there are many things you can do to avoid making this experience the divorce from hell.
Financial Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce

Divorce tends to be one of the more financially stressful times in a person’s life. No one enters the divorce process intending to spend thousands of dollars, yet many end up financially devastated because of common mistakes. Avoiding these big financial mistakes will help you hold on to hard earned money.
How To Tell Your Spouse You Want A Divorce

The scariest part of divorce isn’t the divorce itself, it’s telling the other person! Often, the person initiating has had the chance to contemplate the need for divorce, while the other is completely caught off guard. If you want to remain civil with your spouse and have a healthy divorce, there are a few things to take into consideration as you have that conversation.
What to Expect When You’re Getting a Divorce

Planning a separation and divorce can sweep the legs out from under you, especially when you have never been here before. But that does not mean the entire divorce process needs to be the same way as long as you can plan, be patient and more than anything else be realistic about what is going to happen next.
Picking The Right Social Supports During Divorce

Humans need social support systems to help us cope with stressful events or hard times in life. We all have those friends we run to when life gets tough to give us advise and to comfort us. But are they always the right type of social support during your divorce? It is extremely important to carefully choose your social supports because it can have an affect on your health and the success of the divorce process.
How to Live With Your Spouse AFTER You’ve Asked For A Divorce

The divorce conversation has just happened and you feel the need to take the kids and flee the stress-filled home. But, the only problem is, you can’t leave the matrimonial home until the settlement is done! The last thing you want to do is be anywhere near your spouse, let alone live with them, so how are you going to survive?