Do Kids Get Any Say In Their Parenting Arrangements?

The following factors of the child’s conditions will be considered while formulating the Parenting Plan: i. Age of the child ii. Access to schools or daycare facilities iii. Physical living conditions iv. Special needs of the child. The parents are to respect the choice and decision of their children. As children become older, they will want to spend time with their friends. The parents should allow flexibility in the schedule when considering the needs of the child.

Parenting Agreements

A Parenting Agreement can be informally decided or it can be part of your separation agreement. A properly prepared, formal and signed Parenting Agreement will likely be validly enforceable in a Court of Law. A proper Parenting Agreement also provides the method of resolving breaches and providing remedies to the partners (a dispute resolution clause).

Can A Parent refuse Access To The Other Parent?

No. A parent cannot refuse the other parent’s access to your child.  If it does happen it is only under limited circumstances.  Security and safety concerns for the child is usually the only valid reason for limiting the accessibility. If a parent is concerned that the child is being abused by a co-parent or anyone else in their house, then the parent should take immediate action by calling Children’s Aid Society. On such occasions, a parent can always seek the legal advice of a lawyer.

Picture of Simonetta Lanzi

Simonetta Lanzi

Family Lawyer Ajax, ON

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